
Showing posts from September, 2018


Gooodbye muuuuseeee...offering

Opr Potomac, Harvard (Havtu

Move your Alumni to these States for T.V, Films, etc., Potomac is to Films D.S (San Marcos.,) D.C route system for listed....FOR UNGUNN Harvard is in charge here but we can't do without homage to Duke Univ., Yale., 1, Florida Agric. and Mech. Alabama 2, North Carolina A&T State Univ. Alaska 3, Bowie St. Univ. Arizona 4, Howard Univ. Arkansas 5, Delaware St. Univ., California 6, Winston-Salem St., Univ. Colorado 7, Fayetteville Univ. Connecticut 8, Oakwood Univ. Delaware 9, N.C Central Univ. Florida 10, Spellman College (Atlanta Georgia 11, Tougaloo College Hawaii 12, Southern Univ. at New Orleans Idaho 13, Tennessee State University Illinois 14, Florida Memorial Univ. Indiana 15, Jackson St Univ. Iowa 16, Albany St. Univ. Kansas 17, Xavier Univ. of Louisiana Kentucky 18, Clatin Univ. Louisiana 19, Elizabeth City State Univ. Maine 20, Hampton Univ. Maryland 21, Savannah State Univ. Mas...

currency board

not for you The message is for Currency Board, regarding the use of one currency and guarantee of the currency through sovereign wealth and treasuries. I am confident that to participate in world market, financial institutions for Africa and ETF should match the quoted amount for these markets... Sampson I. Onwuka

Algiers Defense

The clearing of the sea for delivered materials is that officials dictate the work. The assigned date is Dec 25., 2018 and the commission for roads and for Rail Roads will be inaugurated. In Algiers you clear... We are looking at the position of the large nation from the June 2019 date for beginning of Rail Roads, the Rail Roads for African lines running from Western Sahara through West of Sahara to Mozambique and Cairo will likely go into auction by next week. Thul Defense... Cowentu Sampson Onwuka...