Bank of Dimona offering....

Bank of Dimona offering....
Bank of Israel ?

Ngozi E Et., clear the list Opr., New Zealand, Australia

Israel should take the deal., 5, 000 African students yearly, 150-200 thousand retinue of African Jews in Israel and 5, 000 Africans to exit...Yearly

Move the first 10, 000 African students from Israel to Australia with a one time, $8, 000 from 8/28/2108 to 9/8 2018...MOI

Move the first 10, 000 African Students from Israel to Australia with a one time, $8, 000 from December 13th 2018 to December 28th, 2018....ZOI

Malaysia Air.. Book Rund...

Company on arrival in the States...


Sampson I. Onwuka


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